Vice-president for economic affairs
Elena Anatolyevna Khoptyar

Elena Anatolyevna Khoptyar graduated from Tomsk State University in 1990 with a degree in «Optical and Optoelectronic Systems», and was conferred upon the qualification of Optical research engineer. That year she began working in Tomsk Scientific Center of SB RAS as an information group engineer. For three years, from 1993 to 1996, she worked her way from an accountant-programmer to the chief accountant, the head of the planning and economics department.
In 2000 E.A. Khoptyar graduated from Tomsk State University with a degree in «Banking and Finance” and was conferred upon the qualification of economist. In 2006-2007, she pursued the President Management Training Program for National Economy Organizations inTomsk State University; and completed professional retraining course in "Financial Management".
Since April 2020, Elena Anatolyevna has been working in Tomsk Scientific Center of SB RAS as vice-president for economic affairs.