Dr.Alexey Markov
President of Tomsk Scientific Center

Alexey Borisovich is an expert in high power pulse modification of solid bodies. He is the author of 143 papers.
In the course of Markov’s scientific work a number of results was achieved. He developed a new technique for deposition of highly adhesive coatings - surface alloys using pulsed electron beam melting. He also studied the properties of these alloys on the example of Ti/Fe/Cu-based metals and the mechanisms of fragmentation taking place in ultrafine grain metals caused by intense nanosecond electron beam.
Alexey Markov chaired local organizing committee of International Symposium on High-Current Electronics, International Conference on Modification of Materials with Particle Beams and Plasma Flows, International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE) and worked as a secretary with the organizing committee of International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV).
Alexey Markov worked for one year for Helmholtz Research Center (HZDR) in Dresden, Germany. Alexey Markov participates in post education as a scientific advisor for students and postgraduates, he is a Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council of Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAS and a member of State Examination Board for the defense of Bachelor and Master thesis in Tomsk Polytechnic University.