Dr. Valerij Kolosov
President’s advisor
Dr. Kolosov has professional renown in atmospheric nonlinear optics. He is a member of United Scientific Council SB RAS on Physics, academic council and doctoral thesis board of the V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics and the Chair of academic council of Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAS. Dr. Kolosov is an honored long-time employee of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences whose scientific explorations have been recognized with numerous awards including the Leninist Komsomol Prize, first prize in the SB RAS Young Scientists Competition, Russian Cosmonautics Federation’s Yuri Gagarin medal and the SB RAS “Silver Sigma” badge of honor.
In the course of his work at the V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics Dr. Kolosov managed to achieve a number of significant scientific accomplishments. He developed unique semianalytic methods and numerical algorithms for studying the propagation of partially coherent radiation in the atmosphere, made notable contribution to solving the new class problems of beam propagation and optical imaging using adaptive optics. Dr. Kolosov worked for a year at The University of Maryland (USA). He takes active part in the training of qualified scientific staff, supervises graduation and course work for the students. He is the author of 18 cited science papers, credited as co-author in 189. 1 doctoral and 5 PhD theses were defended under his advisory.