High-temperature pigments for color 3D-printing
Principle investigators:
1. Radishevskaya Nina Ivanovna, Senior Researcher, PhD (osm.ninaradi@yandex.ru)
2. Nazarova Anastasia Yurievna, Researcher, PhD (osm.nazarova@yandex.ru)
3D-printing is a developing new technology for Russia with great potential, the market for which is not yet over-saturated, and demand is only growing over time. Modern developments of 3D-printing are amazing. Researchers have learned to print full-size volumetric models from electronic drawings, which opens new possibilities for development in various fields, such as medicine, manufacture, building, architecture and design, as well as in everyday life.

Tomsk Scientific Center offers pigments that can be used in 3D-printing. Color pigments based on aluminate spinel were obtained by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, as well as pigments with garnet-type structure were synthesized by ceramic method from mineral raw materials of Siberian region. The above mentioned pigments were tested as fillers for polymer materials for 3D-printing. They fully meet the technical specifications: they are able to paint the base-polymer in the amount of 1% of the total mass, have a dispersion (1-5) μm, do not dissolve in media to be painted, are well dispersed (distributed), do not aggregate (not stick together) in the polymer volume, which allows the polymer to be dyed directly.