All-purpose ceramic filters
Principle investigators:
- Alexander Ivanovich Kirdyashkin, Leading Researcher, Ph.D. (
- Anatoly Sergeevich Maznoy, Senior Researcher, Ph.D. ( ).
Tomsk Scientific Center of SB RAS produces filters, which are made in the form of hollow cylindrical elements (pipes) and designed for cleaning liquids and gases from mechanical impurities.

General characteristics of ceramic filters:
Material composition: metal oxide compositions– Al2O3-alloy Fe, Ti, Si, C
Porosity: 40÷70 %
Transport pore size: 10¸ 1000 microns
Geometric dimensions of filters: pipe, diameter – up to 400 mm, length – up to 1500 mm
Compressive strength: up to 30 МPa
Heat resistance: up to 1300-1400 К
Filters can be used in:
- petrochemical industry both for cleaning fuels, oils and other petroleum products, and as flow electric heaters,
- gas industry for cleaning natural gas,
- chemical industry for purification of air, steam, acid solutions, alkalis, as working elements for capillary drying of highly concentrated suspensions,
- metallurgical industry for treatment of gas emissions and industrial effluents,
- heat and power industry as gas burners, for purification of natural gas before burning,
- municipal services for drinking water treatment,
- space engineering as capillary pumps.
Advantages of the offered filters:
- high gas-liquid permeability,
- 100% regeneration capability,
- high chemical resistance,
- high mechanical strength,
- increased resistance to high temperatures,
- high electrical conductivity.
The long-term use of ceramic filter pipes in Russia have shown the reliability of these filters. Semi-automatic stations for purification and disinfection of water from natural sources for household and drinking purposes with the capacity of 0.26 m3/hour were built on the basis of ceramic pipes. They provide water supply to small settlements and enterprises.
Specific characteristics of filters depend on the purpose and design of the filter unit.